Showing posts from April, 2022Show all
 Job SPB stlh Lebaran (Fee CnC) Lokasi : Sedayu City,Kelapa Gading Tgl  : 14-15 Mei 2022 (Sabtu-Minggu, Wajib bs jaga 2hr) #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Peran cewek penggoda suruhan Alya  yg Ngrayu Roni , minta yg Cantik , sexi , tinggi   Utk sinetron BHSI Sinemart #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Dicari Cewe cantik look Chinese utk project webseries call Kantor PH MKF #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Need Daily Player Webseries Rahasia Mede #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Butuh banyak EXTRAS PESTA Hari tgl : JUMAT  29.04.2022 Lokasi KEMANG JAKARTA SELATAN #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
TAMBAHAN RISET OFFLINE  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Kebutuhan untuk "Job BLUE BIRD" FEE : Rp.1.000.000,-  (belum potong Agency) WANITA - usia 20-25th, - look Sporty, - (maaf 🙏) Exotic-Skin, - good Akting #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Dibutuhkan banyak EXTRAS CROSSING, EXTRAS DIALOG, utk kebutuhan sinetron,webseries di PH Sinemart. #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 SHOOTING JULO Budget 2.500.000 VERSI FAMILY - Supporting Ibu, umur 30-35 tahun, gak pendiem bisa main ekspresi #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
M I L K L I F E  All Talent fee 8jt Media TVC digital OOH non print non billboard, non kontrak  Schedule - Workshop & Fitting 09 Mey 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 JOB BUMBU MASAK-ATIK TEA Fee Maint Talent Ibu: 7,5 Juta Sehari Jika Ada Tambahan Hari Tambah 2,5 Juta  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 SHOOTING WEBSERIES Fee 💸 2 juta. Untuk 3 Hari Shooting Shooting  : Mei - Juni 2022 Lokasi Shooting  : Batam,Kepulauan Riau. Akomodasi Ditanggung Kantor. #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Job Aplikasi Music Fee 7jt Maintalent Agus : Cowok 24-27 tahub. First jobber. Wajah biasa aja. Tidak ganteng & gak jelek2 bgt. Muka nyebelin, kayak diem2 tapi marah.  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
JOB Extras RTV Ustad On The Road   Fee 150 cast Kamis 21 April Lokasi Cawang GEDUNG IBN   #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 SHOOTING TVC & DIGITAL SGM BUDGET 1.000.000 Shooting tanggal 25 April 2022 Fitting sagera di update tanggal berapa

 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Dicari talent COWO dan CEWE utk sebuah project SINETRON RELIGI Aman shoot DI TANGGAL 26-30 APRIL 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Job iklan royal foam Media digital Budged 4 jt Bule tampang eropa usia 35-40 thn main talent #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Job Ice Cream Walls Budget : 3 jt Per Day Shoot : 25 & 26 April 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 JOB TVC & Digital Tokopedia SOS WS Fitting Test Make-up tanggal 22 April 2022 Shooting tanggal 28 April 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Open casting file job baja, minta foto dan profile terbaru BUDGET : 10jt COWO USIA 28 - 35 thn, Karakter polos, Sedikit Gemuk, Unik dan AMAN DIALOG
 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
JOB BUMBU MASAK CAST MANDIRI DRUMAH MASING-MASING Fee Main ibu 7,5jt Shoot tgl 14 dan 15 mei. Semua talent standby 2 tgl itu tdk bisa MILIH2. KIRIM YG AVAIL SEMUA JADWAL #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 URGENT CALL HONDA SHORT MOVIE Budget:Rp.3.500.000. All Budget Potongan 25% Shooting: Tgl 24 April 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Job : BANK Cewe 20-23yo, BUDGET Rp, 7,000,000,-  cantik, good looking, smart, bisa acting, make up natural, gaul, sehari shoot #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
OPEN CAST JOB SHAMPOO HIJAB FEE : MAIN TALENT : 12jt SUPPORTING  :   8jt SUTING 12 MEI 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Job : Telkom ' Mudik ' Fee : @3jt Shoot : 16 April 2022 Media : Tvc Digital #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Open Cast By File Job Vitamin C Xon Son  Fee 7 jt (Bisa Akting ) Jadwal :  Shoot Tanggal 20 April 2022 Workshop & Fiting 15 April 2022  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
PT. EXA MITRA SOLUSI  Walk Interview ( BANK SWASTA ) Untuk area penempatan : * Jakarta * Depok * Tangerang * Bogor * Bekasi #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Open Casting Daily Player Webseries Rahasia Meede Produksi:Falcon Pictures Shooting:Bulan Mei 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Job Molto Shooting : 19 April 2022 Fee : 6jt Note : -Talent cook dan chewed harus Korea Look #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 JOOB HP SAMSUNG FEE 5JT - WORKSHOP, FITTING 11 APRIL - SHOOTING  TGL 17 APRIL - FINAL FITTING : TBC  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
Job : JUAL BELI KRIPTO Budget Rp, 10,000,000,-, kalo 2 hari shoot Rp, 15,000,000,- potong pajak Work/Fitting : tgl 15 April 2022 SYUTING : tgl 22 - 23 April 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 JOB DIGITAL PEGI PEGI Budget:Rp.6.000.000.(Shooting & Photoshoot)  Shooting & Photoshoot:Tgl 14 & 15 April 2022(Pastikan Semua Tgl Kosong #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 JOB : Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan Main Talent : Cowok 25th fee 3,5jt #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
 Shooting Tokopedia DG Travel Budget:Rp.5.000.000.Ws:Tgl 10 April 2022 Shooting:Tgl 16 April 2022 Photoshoot:Tgl 21 April 2022 #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
25 Foto Rocker-Rocker Tua – Dulu dan Sekarang, enjoy......  #beritahariini #job #casting #news #hipsterhub
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